AVSEQ (PC) (2012)

Overview: In AVSEQ, connect falling nodes of the same color and use white nodes to connect different colored nodes. Try to trigger as many musical nodes as possible, and don't let any nodes touch the ground, otherwise you'll lose any musical nodes directly above the one that reached the ground!

This game is tough, but the musical aspect of the game is pretty cool.

Unfortunately, after playing the game for a little while, my tiredness caught up with me and my eyes began to droop. At that moment, instead of ignoring my state of mind, I decided to take a quick nap.

Then, after waking up, I decided not to resume playing AVSEQ. While the gameplay was mildly interested, it was also just mildly rewarding.

In particular, I thought the game lacked enough transparency. For example, there seems to be a hidden timer that's counting down, but I don't see a clock. The only indication that I can tell of a countdown is a warning that comes up as time begins to expire.

Another transparency issue is the effect of atoms hitting the bottom. At one point, it seemed as if they had no effect on ending my game. Consequently, I questioned the urgency in using them.

Upon making this point, I couldn't help but discover the answer. Going in game and re-reading the "How to Play" carefully, I learned that if atoms hit the ground, then you lose notes. What the "How to Play" doesn't explain, is that you only lose notes that are in the column of the atom that reaches the ground.

Returning to the game for this investigation also led me to try and learn that the One Button Mode, which is not default, appears to be much more efficient than the Normal Mode. If you're a League of Legend player, then One Button Mode is like using Smart Keys.

But getting back to the transparency, I hate how the atoms are all white with colors indicated by the surrounding rings. This is terrible, as a good amount of the time, I think an atom is white when its really some other color.

Also, there's some moments where an atom will split into four, or maybe this appears out of nowhere. These secret splittings are hard to detect, and can lead in a surprising loss of atoms. Again, a lack of transparency.

In the end, I need to stop playing and analyzing this game, or else I'm going to find more and more reasons to dislike it. I'm sorry AVSEQ, but you're one of the games in my library, which I think is bad.

AVSEQ (PC) (2012)

Relevant Links:
AVSEQ Webpage
AVSEQ (Steam Store Page)
AVSEQ (PC) (MetaCritic.com)

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