Kingsgrave (PC) (Demo)

This game didn't have any instructions, but figuring out what to do wasn't too bad. For the most part, the demo was rather simple, and I have mixed feelings about the enemies. They were somehow both hard to fight and not hard to fight. Certain enemies deal a lot of damage, and require either bieng more conservative or having better weapons to more appropriately deal with them without taking so much damage as to have health taken to zero. The demo only allowed healing by advancing the day, which would also reset enemies spawning in "dangerous" areas. By the end of the demo, I had the spear and the bow-and-arrow which were rather good weapons to fight the waves of enemies in the final area at the end of the demo. Learning to kite with the spear and dashing against the strongest enemy in that area was my key to victory.

Overall, the game seemed to simple for my taste with too much focus on exploration, but without significant story progression to match. A game doesn't have to focus on action, but in doing so I think it needs to compensate with a strong story, which this demo did not convey. As such, I would not have any interest in playing the full game in the future.

Steam Game Time: 45 minutes (cumulative game time)

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