Bubblegum Zombie Hunter (PC) (Demo)

This game has a simple opening which sets the stage and tone for the game. With the two girls, I was reminded of River City Girls. But in River City Girls, the player can choose between playing either girl. In this game, hwoever, it seems that the player can only play as the titular Kaylee Bu33le.

While I liked the voice acting and basic gameplay, I felt like I simply wasn't getting the hang of the game and decided to stop playing. However, I could tell it would be a solid game.

Optionally play arcade games inside the game. I got a "high" score of 11500 in this one

Setup: I played this game with my Logitech Gamepad, but using an arcade stick could be interesting.

Steam Game Time: 18 minutes (cumulative game time)
I... didn't do too well.

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