Final Fantasy VII (PSX) (1997)

20210829 Comment:
- I purchased a used copy on 20050513 for $18 from Gamestop.
- My high-level game log says that I started the game on 20050520.
- A note on 20060103 indicates the following: "I'm a little past the part where you take the ship to the other continent. That is I already defeated that one sea monster to save the dolphin and impersonated a soldier."
Today I started the game on Steam. I played up to the section of No. 5 Reactor where Cloud, Tifa, and Barret press the button at the same time.
Cloud and Barret battling
Cloud and Tifa
Cloud, Barret and Tifa are victorious!
Pushing the button at the same time...

Steam Game Time: 107 minutes

20210829 Comment:
The note I made on 20060103 corresponds to about 8:16:00 mark (fight with Bottomswell; link) and 8:29:45 mark (impersonating a Shinra soldier; link). Meanwhile my progress on 20140417 makes it to the 1:33:43 mark of this walkthrough on YouTube. For reference, the entire walkthrough was 35.5 hours long. So I had achieved about 25% progress in 2006 and about 4% on 20140417.

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