CODE VEIN (PC) (2019)

Overview: A Souls-like action RPG.

I heard this was a slightly easier Souls-like game and so I thought I would check out the genre. I once tried playing Dark Souls but for some reason didn't get very far.

Setup: Keyboard and mouse. Online.

First Impressions:
The character customization UI was unintuitive compared to some other character customizations. The tutorial was both difficult to understand and not enough practice. With so many menu screens, the game could have paused and highlight what the player needs to select. Then, for each mechanic being taught, the player should successfully execute the mechanic at least three times and optionally more. This way, the player gets some action and time with the game before the long and boring story. Personally, I love getting into a game's story, but too much story before gameplay is not fun.

When it is time to start playing, navigating the world is difficult, because pathways are hard to spot. The map doesn't help much with this problem. Perhaps the map in Path of Exile has spoiled me.

Perhaps I was not yet familiar with the controls, but fighting against the first boss felt like I was reward to button mash instead of executing well-placed guards, blocks, or parries. In particular, the game never spent the time to emphasize these elements (as mentioned earlier the "at least three" seems like a common remedy).

Overall, the controls and level/upgrade system were the two hardest parts for me to understand. I'm wondering if using a controller would have at least alleviated the control problem.

Steam Game Time: 97 minutes

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