The Witness (PC) (2016)

Overview: You're on an island full of puzzles to solve. There are no instructions, but the puzzles are designed to be solved through a combination of trial-and-error and visual indications which lead to the solutions.

I meant to play this game a while ago, but for some reason I didn't get around to it. Yesterday, however, it fell under my radar and I decided to prioritize playing it.

While playing the game, I was mostly reminded of Antichamber. However, according to the Wikipedia article, the game was inspir3ed by Myst. In any case, I feel like I enjoyed the variety in puzzles for Antichamber much more than those for The Witness. In particular, my attention with the game only lasted a mere one and a half hours. Though to be fair to the game, it's not exactly a fair comparison as it's been a very long time since I've played Antichamber and my general gaming preferences may have changed since then (I played it in 2014).

If I were to guess concerning my lack of attention, I would hypothesize that I no longer like the exploration aspect of the game - at least when it comes to solving puzzles. For example, having to walk around and look for puzzles is a different experience from a puzzle game where I could just pass from one level to the next.

Overall, I'm glad I got around to trying the game out, but it didn't have the spark needed to keep my attention.

Epic Game game time: 1h 29m 30s

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