Pixel Puzzles: Japan (PC) (2014)

Overview: Pixel Puzzles: Japan is just a jigsaw puzzle game.

Today I played this game long enough to collect its Steam trading cards. This consisted of the first five level one puzzles (which unlocks level two puzzles), four level two puzzles (which unlocks level three puzzles), and one level three puzzle over the span of about 3.6 hours.

While level one and level two puzzles were small and not so hard, the level three puzzle was large and there were not many colors within the puzzle. Thus, after placing the edge and part of the water area in the bottom right corner, I struggled to readily match pieces.

First, I focused on certain types. After this helped fill in the final puzzle, I sorted the pieces by the number of protrusions (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4). Most of the pieces with two protrusions were protruding to the top and right. Eventually I sorted the pieces with one protrusion by their direction. This helped speed up the brute force, trial-and-error method.

As mentioned in 'Cons' section, the Koi pond and the puzzle area made it difficult to manage the pieces. Thus, while the pieces were conveniently oriented correctly, the software did not provide a satisfactory jigsaw puzzle experience. I'd much rather do a real jigsaw puzzle.

+Pieces are oriented correctly.
+Pieces snap into place when close.

-Pieces do not snap together unless in correct position on board. (For example, I know two pieces should connect to each other. I'd like to connect them and move them as one. I've encountered a jigsaw puzzle game that allows this feature.)
-Pieces float around in the Koi Pond and can be hard to obtain. (For example, even if I see an edge piece, it may be covered by another piece. I may pick the other piece up to get it out of the way, but accidentally drop on top of the edge piece and both will respawn elsewhere in the pond.)
-Not enough room to sort pieces. This isn't a big deal with the smaller sized puzzles, but eventually it becomes chaotic.

Unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros.

20240428 Snapshot:
Steam Game Time: 3.7 hours (cumulative game time) / 3h 43m (Playnite)
Last Played: 20150426
I played the remaining level one puzzle, the reamining level two puzzle, and two level three puzzles. My eyes would often tear up while playing (I guess I wasn't blinking enough).

Steam Game Time: 5.2 hours (cumulative game time) / 1.5 hours (session game time)

I played the top-most level four puzzle and remembered to blink.

Steam Game Time: 5.9 hours (cumulative game time) / 0.7 hours (session game time)

Gameplay Log:
I played remaining two level four puzzles (during which I idled in the middle of the second one for about 27 minutes)..
Played remaining level three puzzle
Unlocked the level five puzzle.
Idled for about 35 minutes
Completed level five puzzle.
Read the instructions. Apparently there's a power-up that can be used. Tested it out with the first puzzle. Upon collecting enough for the power-up, activating it will show the picture in the background for a few seconds! That would have been helpful! Oh well.

As I played, I got used to the game the way it was. While I still think the koi pond and lack of space is inconvenient, the snapping of correct pieces is nice. Towards the end, I chose to abuse the napping mechanic from time-to-time to help fixate certain pieces (e.g., edge pieces or a chunk of connected pieces). Overall, I found assembling puzzles to be a pieceful process and it helped me reflect on expectations and/or biases my mind is making.* I also found it surprising how sometimes I knew exactly where a piece should go (the brain is amazing). Overall, I would give the game a 3.6 out of 5.

Rating: 3.6/5

Steam Game Time: 11.5 hours (cumulative game time) / 4.6 hours (session game time) + 1.0 hour (idle time)

*Sometimes I expected a piece to go in one place but it actually went in another place.
Pixel Puzzles: Japan (PC) (2014)

Relevant Links:
Pixel Puzzles: Japan (PC) (MetaCritic.com)
Pixel Puzzles: Japan (Steam Store Page)

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