Dungeons of Hinterberg (PC) (Demo)

Overview: Somewhat typical action adventure game.
I saw this on a list of demos people were interested in playing. While downloading the game I saw the developers playing and the hoverboard power seemed cool. As such I was excited to try the game. However, the demo itself was underwhelming. In particular, defeating the first dungeon didn't appear to offer any significant reward. After defeating the first dungeon, the player returns to the town where she is supposed to meet various NPCs. I decided to stop playing at this point. Overall, I didn't see anything in this game that was novel or executed in a way that's better than what games before it has accomplished.

Setup: Xbox controller

Note: At one point in the game I was stuck, but apparently I didn't see a switch (triggered by the player character's beam)

Steam Game Time: 56 minutes

Artwork is great

The game talked about targeting enemies but I didn't catch how to do it... Not knowing how to target was frustrating against the first dungeon boss
There's some sort of time mechanic which I'm not sure seems fun or not
One part in the first dungeon had the player walk around a sphere similar to the core gameplay of Super Mario Galaxy. It seemed to be a superficial inclusion as there didn't seem to be a reason why the physics of the dungeon should work in such a weird way

Hoverboard is cool for transitioning between areas, and speedy movement, but the movement is a little nauseating, the player can't jump and do any simple tricks (seems like a missed opportunity when it comes to implementing a snowboard/hoverboard mechanic)
The character doesn't jump and moving forward to jump platforms removes engagement; in addition, it can cause the player character to fall off which then becomes the game's fault... at least allowing the player to jump and missing the jump is the player's fault
Some areas in the beginning are devoid of enemies making for a slower start to the game
The heavy magic attack was hard to judge distance and I often missed. I feel like that attack should be smarter.
The player character should have a greater run speed and slower board speed. The camera for using the board seems to move the camera, which is annoying and likely contributes to the nausea

Dungeons of Hinterberg (PC) (Demo)

Relevant Links:
Dungeons of Hinterberg (Steam Store Page)

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