Europa (PC) (Demo)

Not only did the game look beautiful, but the movement and controls felt smooth and satisfying. That is, the animation for the player character's actions look amazing, but during execution and in between. For the most part, I felt like I knew where I was going, but sometimes I felt there could have been so much to explore. The developers did a great job of putting cues into place such that the experience was directed despite the world feeling big. Speaking of directed, the game did a great job of introducing all the movement incrementally and queueing key interactions with the world. I particularly like the color choices, with the magic color blue contrasting very well with the color palette of the world. Finally, I already mentioned the motion felt smooth, but a particular mention to the pure awesome feeling of the follwoing three actions: gliding on water, flying into the air, and gliding.

Perhaps the only minor downside is that the story is told through journal pages which can only be listened to in a single spot. I'd rather listen to the story while continuing on with the adventure.

Setup: Xbox controller

Steam Game Time: 23 minutes
Europa (PC) (Demo)

Relevant Links:
Europa (Steam Store Page)

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