Azure Striker GUNVOLT 3 (PC) (Demo)

Today I tried this demo. The demo allows the player to play the first two levels.

First Impressions:
- Not bad.
- Cool moves.
- Cool style, but gets getting used to (I kept pressing the wrong buttons).
- Too much talking. I think teaching game mechanics should be more hands on usage.
- At one point the male character (Gunvolt) has unlimited use of power. This is actually just temporary and it is explained in-game. This is a common and great way of easing a player in. With that being said, I felt as if it could have been tweaked.

Side Remark: At one point the game talked about image discs or something and I didn't go to the correct menu to equip it.

Another Side Remark: A common sequence is to tag an enemy (default gamepad binding is X), chain lightning to that enemy (default gamepad binding is B), and attack (default gamepad binding is RB). I would consider rebinding RB to Special (which defaults to Y), B to Attack, and Y to chain lightning (leaving X for Tag). Jump on A makes sense. Another consideration is binding Y to Tag, B to Chain, and X to Attack (leaving RB for Special).

Steam Game Time: 49 minutes (cumulative game time)

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