TypInc. (PC) (Demo)

Overview: Typing game.

Steam Game Time: 53 minutes
First Impressions:
Simple game but super punishing on an error: when the player makes a mistake, the score multiplier resets to 1. In games where score is constantly accumulated, the multiplier resetting isn't a big deal. But here it somehow affects the total score and just overall feels bad. As such, the game currently encourages careful slow gameplay with zero errors for the most efficient progression. However, this feels anti-fun. In the developer's request for feedback, many users have mentioned this topic is some form. The developer seems receptive to addressing the issue.

Repeating music track is good, but I'm not sure how I feel about the beeps.

The reward for finishing quickly feels broken and, well, unrewarding.

Game doesn't have a save feature to come back and resume progress. It's 30 days or nothing. Someone mentioned this on Steam Discussions as feedback and the developer plans to develop a save feature or similar to address it.

At a high level, I have an issue with the pacing. I find typing games are usually action-based and should have a rather consistent flow. The game as it stands is slow paced and constantly being interrupted by choosing slowly showing the payout and picking a perk. Speaking of the perks, they are such passive perks that I don't really have a sense of which ones are beneficial. And to some extent they don't really matter. I just made sure I got to $50, then thereafter the pay plus interest pays for my letter upgrades which I just assume is boosting the scores.

While the game has some potential, this demo sits at a below average experience when it comes to typing games.

Demo Rating: 2.8 out of 5

TypInc. (PC) (Demo)

Relevant Links:
TypInc. (Steam Store Page)

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