Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC) (1994)
Relevant Links:
Doom II: Hell on Earth (
This was my first time ever playing Doom II (or any Doom game for that matter). Of course, my experience is not the traditional one. Last night, I tested the game for about ten minutes on my own through the first level. Today, however, I completed the first sixteen levels with my friend through the internet. He's played the game as a kid though, so he'd occasionally remember certain parts of the game. While there are various programs for playing online, my friend and I were using a server-client program named Zandronum.
Download and install Zandronum.
Set-up port forwarding if behind a router.
Run Zandronum (Online).
Go to Options>Configure>File Paths> and add the directory with the doom2.wad file (or whatever wad file you want).
Create a server.
(Optional) Set difficulty. We went with "Ultra-violence."
(Optional) Create a password to join.
You'll need to copy down your IP address for the client. If you don't know it, then you can go to Google and search "my IP address."
See Client steps for joining your own game.
Download and install Zandronum.
Run Zandronum (Online).
Go to Options>Configure>File Paths> and add the directory with the doom2.wad file (or whatever wad file the server is running)
Go to Options>Configure>Custom Servers> and add click add. Add the server IP address.
Click OK.
You should see the custom server at the top of the list of servers. Click on it to join.
If the server set a password to join, then you will be prompted to enter it.
The default keyboard configuration seemed strange, so I definitely changed that to a more modern setup. WASD for movement (W/S for forward/back, A/D for strafing), E for use/open, ctrl for crouch, and shift for run.
Tip: While playing with my friend Chris, I had my resolution set to 640x480. Only after drafting up this post did I realize I could have changed it to 1360x768. I played the first level on this higher resolution; it was much more satisfying.
Note: In co-op, your character will respawn with a mouse-click after you die.
Caution: If you teleport into a friend, he/she will die.
Tip: If you get stuck and need to die, then go to the console by pressing "`" and entering "kill".
Tip: To conserve ammo, use the chainsaw on most isolated enemies. That is, certain enemies can not continue to attack you while they are being chainsawed.
Server Log:
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim mutated.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP12: the factory ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Chris was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris mutated.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP13: downtown ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Tim mows down a teammate.
Chris mows down a teammate.
Tim was squished.
Chris was squished.
Tim mows down a teammate.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP14: the inmost dens ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim killed himself.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP15: industrial zone ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Tim killed himself.
Tim was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP16: suburbs ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim got too close to a cacodemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP17: tenements ***
compatflags changed to: 0
client Chris disconnected.
client Tim disconnected.
Today my friend Chris and I resumed playing. Unfortunately, we started playing at map 17 without the benefit of having the weapons and ammo from the previous levels. Regardless, we eventually beat the game, played two secret levels, and then played the first level on the hardest difficulty.
Server Log:
Tim: lol invis down here
Tim: blue key
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Tim: oh man
Chris: lol
Chris: theres a lot of enemies in here
Chris: oh
Chris: but its sealed now...
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP19: the citadel ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim: i wish we had a chainsaw
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris: plasma gun here
Tim was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris: go left outside the door
Chris: around the complex
Tim: this is right
Chris: your other rightr
Tim was squished.
Chris: its not hitting him
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris: theres a ton of pinkies in there
Chris was bit by a demon.
Tim: got the red key
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was killed by a zombieman.
Chris: rockets?
Tim: i don't have a launcher
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was squished.
Chris: got the gold key
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP20: gotcha! ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: wait
Chris: dont fire at either boss
Tim: ok
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: lol
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: just
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris: lol teleported into the cyber demon
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: lol yeah he friggen followed me there earlier
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP21: nirvana ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Tim killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim was punched by a revenant.
Chris killed himself.
Tim: chainsaw the fat one
Chris: hes gone O_O
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Tim: omg so the one on the right
Tim: it leads to an elevator and when you use it to go up there's all these
Tim: whatever killed me
Tim: imps
Tim: this one i'm facing
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: i just let them aggro each other haha
Tim: that room was just for the yellow key
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP22: the catacombs ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was eaten by a spectre.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: lol all this time i didn't know the mouse was moving back and forth too
Tim: you got the blue key yeah?
Chris: yup[
Chris was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP23: barrels o' fun ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim: lol just let it resolve itself
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was gutted by a Hell Knight.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris: lol
Chris killed himself.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Chris: dont take that one
Tim: whered diteh other one go?
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP24: the chasm ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: back to an unkown entrance
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim: blue key was in this maze area
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: yeah over there
Tim: to your left
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris: this maze thing is hard
Chris mutated.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris mutated.
Tim: lol
Tim: are you stuck?
Chris: nope
Chris: it fills when u solve it
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim: surprise surprise
Tim: how'd you get up high?
Chris: tried to get the orb in the center
Chris: it teleported me
Tim loses another friend.
Chris: lol
Chris: any sign of a red key?
Tim: nope
Tim: go it now
Tim gets a frag for the other team.
Chris: lol finish the level
Tim: lol
Tim exited the level.
*** MAP25: bloodfalls ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Chris was eaten by a spectre.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris: teleporter at the end takes u to blue key
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim exited the level.
*** MAP26: the abandoned mines ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: got the red key
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: i see the blue key
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP27: monster condo ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim: where'd you go?
Chris: the other door
Tim: wht other door
Tim killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris: enter the lights
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: finally i got a chainsaw
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim: do you have anuy keys?
Chris: yellow
Tim: wh ydidn't you open the yellow doro?
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim: where was the yellow key?
Chris: er i forgot
Chris: i think its on the side we started on
Chris: whats the death command?
Chris: i cant get out of here
Tim: what's going on where are you now?
Tim: go south
Tim: yeah that's not the way out?
Chris: its not opening
Tim: aite well go to to console with
Tim: the one next to the left of 1
Tim: then type kill
Chris: which is console?
Tim: `
Tim: the button next to 1
Tim: number 1 the button to the left
Chris: nvm
Chris: there was way more enemies left
Tim: lol
Chris mutated.
Tim killed himself.
Chris exited the level.
Tim: oh man
Chris: lol
*** MAP28: the spirit world ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim: are we gonna play to the end haha
Chris: what level we on now?
Chris: 28?
Chris: lol i think theres only 3-4 more left
Tim: yeah and the last is 32
Chris: it says map 28?
Tim: yeah this is map 28
Chris: lol yeah 3 more or less
Tim: so we'd have to so 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Chris: we can save'm for later
Chris: the last couple levels are pretty funny
Tim: i guess the only thing is the ammo. haha
Chris: lol we start here... we only get a chainsaw
Chris: er one of us does
Tim: lol
Chris: oh and a chain gun
Tim: aite so you fighte for a while i need to munch
Chris: oh theres lots of gun
Chris: guns
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Chris stood in awe of the spider demon.
Tim killed himself.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim killed himself.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP29: the living end ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Tim mutated.
Tim: there's stairs being reaised to your left
Chris was punched by a revenant.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Tim mutated.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Chris mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP30: icon of sin ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: this one is hard
Chris: the goal is to shoot as many rockets into the box on the goats head
Tim: maybe that's why there's all these things
Chris: at the base there's a platform that gets lowered
Chris: the switch to lower the platform is at the top
Chris: raise it
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim: raise what?
Chris: the switch above raises that platform
Chris: ill run to it and you hit the switch
Tim: omg haha ok
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris killed himself.
Chris checks his glasses.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was punched by a revenant.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris killed himself.
Chris mutated.
Chris was eaten by a spectre.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was punched by a revenant.
Chris mutated.
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Chris killed himself.
Tim mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: what... hahaha
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Chris killed himself.
Chris mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim melted.
Chris: w we did it!
Tim: that was just ridiculous
Chris: lollllllllll
*** MAP01: entryway ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: gg
Chris: theres 2 secret levels
Tim: oh nice haha
Chris: but i dunno how to get it via no-cheats
Tim: how do you get to them with cheats?
Chris: umm id have to look it up
Chris: but its like idkfa
Chris: iddqd
Chris: those are ammo and god mode
Chris: theres one for teleport to a different levle
Chris: i havent done it in over 15 yrs though
Chris: its probably online
Chris: its 2 wolfenstein levels
*** MAP31: wolfenstein ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Tim has connected.
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Chris has connected.
Chris: lol
Chris joined the game.
Chris: yup this is one of them
Tim joined the game.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris met a Nazi.
Tim met a Nazi.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris exited the level.
Chris: theres one more i think
Tim: yeah
*** MAP01: entryway ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Tim has connected.
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Chris has connected.
Chris joined the game.
Tim joined the game.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris: lol
Chris: level 1 arleady fun
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris exited the level.
Tim: lol
Chris: lol too hard
Tim: crazy
Chris: lvl 1 died like 3 times already
*** MAP02: underhalls ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim: aite llet's not play anymore tonight
Tim: lol
Chris: right lol
client Chris disconnected.
client Tim disconnected.
Relevant Links:
Doom II: Hell on Earth (
This was my first time ever playing Doom II (or any Doom game for that matter). Of course, my experience is not the traditional one. Last night, I tested the game for about ten minutes on my own through the first level. Today, however, I completed the first sixteen levels with my friend through the internet. He's played the game as a kid though, so he'd occasionally remember certain parts of the game. While there are various programs for playing online, my friend and I were using a server-client program named Zandronum.
Download and install Zandronum.
Set-up port forwarding if behind a router.
Run Zandronum (Online).
Go to Options>Configure>File Paths> and add the directory with the doom2.wad file (or whatever wad file you want).
Create a server.
(Optional) Set difficulty. We went with "Ultra-violence."
(Optional) Create a password to join.
You'll need to copy down your IP address for the client. If you don't know it, then you can go to Google and search "my IP address."
See Client steps for joining your own game.
Download and install Zandronum.
Run Zandronum (Online).
Go to Options>Configure>File Paths> and add the directory with the doom2.wad file (or whatever wad file the server is running)
Go to Options>Configure>Custom Servers> and add click add. Add the server IP address.
Click OK.
You should see the custom server at the top of the list of servers. Click on it to join.
If the server set a password to join, then you will be prompted to enter it.
![]() |
MAP08. Cyberdemon draws the Barons of Hell aggro. |
The default keyboard configuration seemed strange, so I definitely changed that to a more modern setup. WASD for movement (W/S for forward/back, A/D for strafing), E for use/open, ctrl for crouch, and shift for run.
Tip: While playing with my friend Chris, I had my resolution set to 640x480. Only after drafting up this post did I realize I could have changed it to 1360x768. I played the first level on this higher resolution; it was much more satisfying.
Note: In co-op, your character will respawn with a mouse-click after you die.
Caution: If you teleport into a friend, he/she will die.
Tip: If you get stuck and need to die, then go to the console by pressing "`" and entering "kill".
Tip: To conserve ammo, use the chainsaw on most isolated enemies. That is, certain enemies can not continue to attack you while they are being chainsawed.
Server Log:
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim mutated.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP11. |
*** MAP12: the factory ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Chris was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris mutated.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP13: downtown ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Tim mows down a teammate.
Chris mows down a teammate.
Tim was squished.
Chris was squished.
Tim mows down a teammate.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP14: the inmost dens ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim killed himself.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP12. An Arachnotron tasting the blades of my chainsaw. |
*** MAP15: industrial zone ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Tim killed himself.
Tim was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP13. Chris was splattered by a Cyberdemon. |
*** MAP16: suburbs ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim got too close to a cacodemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP13. Chris was squished. |
*** MAP17: tenements ***
compatflags changed to: 0
client Chris disconnected.
client Tim disconnected.
Today my friend Chris and I resumed playing. Unfortunately, we started playing at map 17 without the benefit of having the weapons and ammo from the previous levels. Regardless, we eventually beat the game, played two secret levels, and then played the first level on the hardest difficulty.
Server Log:
Tim: lol invis down here
Tim: blue key
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Tim: oh man
Chris: lol
Chris: theres a lot of enemies in here
Chris: oh
Chris: but its sealed now...
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP19: the citadel ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim: i wish we had a chainsaw
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris: plasma gun here
Tim was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris: go left outside the door
Chris: around the complex
Tim: this is right
Chris: your other rightr
Tim was squished.
Chris: its not hitting him
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris: theres a ton of pinkies in there
Chris was bit by a demon.
Tim: got the red key
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was killed by a zombieman.
Chris: rockets?
Tim: i don't have a launcher
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was squished.
Chris: got the gold key
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP20. Watch as they fight each other. |
*** MAP20: gotcha! ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: wait
Chris: dont fire at either boss
Tim: ok
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: lol
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: just
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris killed himself.
Chris: lol teleported into the cyber demon
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: lol yeah he friggen followed me there earlier
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP21: nirvana ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Tim killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim was punched by a revenant.
Chris killed himself.
Tim: chainsaw the fat one
Chris: hes gone O_O
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Tim: omg so the one on the right
Tim: it leads to an elevator and when you use it to go up there's all these
Tim: whatever killed me
Tim: imps
Tim: this one i'm facing
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: i just let them aggro each other haha
Tim: that room was just for the yellow key
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP22: the catacombs ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was eaten by a spectre.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: lol all this time i didn't know the mouse was moving back and forth too
Tim: you got the blue key yeah?
Chris: yup[
Chris was ripped open by a Baron of Hell.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP23: barrels o' fun ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim: lol just let it resolve itself
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was gutted by a Hell Knight.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris: lol
Chris killed himself.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Chris: dont take that one
Tim: whered diteh other one go?
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP24. |
*** MAP24: the chasm ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: back to an unkown entrance
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim: blue key was in this maze area
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim: yeah over there
Tim: to your left
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris: this maze thing is hard
Chris mutated.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris mutated.
Tim: lol
Tim: are you stuck?
Chris: nope
Chris: it fills when u solve it
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim: surprise surprise
Tim: how'd you get up high?
Chris: tried to get the orb in the center
Chris: it teleported me
Tim loses another friend.
Chris: lol
Chris: any sign of a red key?
Tim: nope
Tim: go it now
Tim gets a frag for the other team.
Chris: lol finish the level
Tim: lol
Tim exited the level.
*** MAP25: bloodfalls ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was shot by a sergeant.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Chris was eaten by a spectre.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris: teleporter at the end takes u to blue key
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim exited the level.
*** MAP26: the abandoned mines ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: got the red key
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim: i see the blue key
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP27: monster condo ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim: where'd you go?
Chris: the other door
Tim: wht other door
Tim killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris: enter the lights
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: finally i got a chainsaw
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim: do you have anuy keys?
Chris: yellow
Tim: wh ydidn't you open the yellow doro?
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim: where was the yellow key?
Chris: er i forgot
Chris: i think its on the side we started on
Chris: whats the death command?
Chris: i cant get out of here
Tim: what's going on where are you now?
Tim: go south
Tim: yeah that's not the way out?
Chris: its not opening
Tim: aite well go to to console with
Tim: the one next to the left of 1
Tim: then type kill
Chris: which is console?
Tim: `
Tim: the button next to 1
Tim: number 1 the button to the left
Chris: nvm
Chris: there was way more enemies left
Tim: lol
Chris mutated.
Tim killed himself.
Chris exited the level.
Tim: oh man
Chris: lol
*** MAP28: the spirit world ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim: are we gonna play to the end haha
Chris: what level we on now?
Chris: 28?
Chris: lol i think theres only 3-4 more left
Tim: yeah and the last is 32
Chris: it says map 28?
Tim: yeah this is map 28
Chris: lol yeah 3 more or less
Tim: so we'd have to so 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Chris: we can save'm for later
Chris: the last couple levels are pretty funny
Tim: i guess the only thing is the ammo. haha
Chris: lol we start here... we only get a chainsaw
Chris: er one of us does
Tim: lol
Chris: oh and a chain gun
Tim: aite so you fighte for a while i need to munch
Chris: oh theres lots of gun
Chris: guns
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Chris stood in awe of the spider demon.
Tim killed himself.
Chris let an arachnotron get him.
Tim killed himself.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris killed himself.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris exited the level.
*** MAP29: the living end ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Chris was perforated by a chaingunner.
Tim mutated.
Tim mutated.
Tim: there's stairs being reaised to your left
Chris was punched by a revenant.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was bruised by a Baron of Hell.
Tim mutated.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was shot by a sergeant.
Chris mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Tim was splattered by a cyberdemon.
Chris exited the level.
![]() |
MAP30. |
*** MAP30: icon of sin ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: this one is hard
Chris: the goal is to shoot as many rockets into the box on the goats head
Tim: maybe that's why there's all these things
Chris: at the base there's a platform that gets lowered
Chris: the switch to lower the platform is at the top
Chris: raise it
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Tim: raise what?
Chris: the switch above raises that platform
Chris: ill run to it and you hit the switch
Tim: omg haha ok
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Tim was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Tim couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris couldn't evade a revenant's fireball.
Chris was incinerated by an archvile.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris was squashed by a mancubus.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris was splayed by a Hell Knight.
Tim was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris killed himself.
Chris checks his glasses.
Chris was smitten by a cacodemon.
Chris was punched by a revenant.
Chris was burned by an imp.
Chris killed himself.
Chris mutated.
Chris was eaten by a spectre.
Tim was squashed by a mancubus.
Tim was punched by a revenant.
Chris mutated.
Chris gets a frag for the other team.
Chris killed himself.
Tim mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim was spooked by a lost soul.
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim: what... hahaha
Chris was spooked by a lost soul.
Tim let an arachnotron get him.
Chris killed himself.
Chris mutated.
Chris killed himself.
Tim melted.
Chris: w we did it!
Tim: that was just ridiculous
Chris: lollllllllll
*** MAP01: entryway ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Chris: gg
Chris: theres 2 secret levels
Tim: oh nice haha
Chris: but i dunno how to get it via no-cheats
Tim: how do you get to them with cheats?
Chris: umm id have to look it up
Chris: but its like idkfa
Chris: iddqd
Chris: those are ammo and god mode
Chris: theres one for teleport to a different levle
Chris: i havent done it in over 15 yrs though
Chris: its probably online
Chris: its 2 wolfenstein levels
![]() |
MAP31. |
*** MAP31: wolfenstein ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Tim has connected.
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Chris has connected.
Chris: lol
Chris joined the game.
Chris: yup this is one of them
Tim joined the game.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Tim was bit by a demon.
Chris was bit by a demon.
Chris met a Nazi.
Tim met a Nazi.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris met a Nazi.
Chris exited the level.
Chris: theres one more i think
Tim: yeah
![]() |
MAP32. |
*** MAP01: entryway ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Tim has connected.
Connect (v1.0): XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:10667
Chris has connected.
Chris joined the game.
Tim joined the game.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Tim was burned by an imp.
Chris: lol
Chris: level 1 arleady fun
Tim was slashed by an imp.
Chris was slashed by an imp.
Chris exited the level.
Tim: lol
Chris: lol too hard
Tim: crazy
Chris: lvl 1 died like 3 times already
![]() |
MAP01. 1360x768 (left), 640x480 (right) |
*** MAP02: underhalls ***
compatflags changed to: 0
Tim: aite llet's not play anymore tonight
Tim: lol
Chris: right lol
client Chris disconnected.
client Tim disconnected.
![]() |
Close-up. 1360x768 (left), 640x480 (right) |
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