Catherine Classic (PC) (2019)

I've seen streamers on Twitch play this game and it seemed like it had a neat action puzzle element which I would enjoy. However, at that time it was still expensive - relative to me not wanting to spend more than 50% on the title when I had plenty of games in my library. However, during the current Steam Summer Sale, it's 75% off, a new low. Actually, there was a point in which the game was part of a Humble Bundle, but I wasn't interested in any of the other titles.

Setup: Keyboard. HD resolution, changing around other video settings. English audio. New game, Normal difficulty.

When trying to start a new game, the game would hang - often when the television screen appeared but sometimes before. After some testing, I finally turned off OBS and got past the introductory cutscene. After completing the first level, I turned on OBS and the game continued working until I spoke with a sheep who was showing a technique. This crashed the game, but fortunately I had saved. Further reading indicated that this likely only happens with the Game Capture. As it turns out, using the Screen Capture instead of the Game Capture was a viable workaround: I could speak to the NPC and watch the technique without crashing the game while also recording with OBS.

Gameplay Log:
Save file: 3rd Night: Torture chamber, 1 | Play Time 002:05

First Impressions:
Thus far, I find the levels to be fun, and the story is intriguing. Unfortunately, the visual novel elements weigh the game down.

With respect to controls, the game's basic controls take some getting used to. For example, to have the player character turn without climbing requires just a light tap of the direction key (WASD) instead of a longer press.

Steam Game Time: 2.4 hours (total game time)
Gameplay Log:
Save file: 6th Night: Clock Tower, 1 | Play Time 008:10

Steam Game Time: 6.1 hours (session game time) / 8.5 hours (total game time)
I'm reaching a point in the game where the difficulty of the puzzles are beyond my level of patience and enjoyment.

Gameplay Log:
Save file: 6th Night: Clock Tower, 2 | Play Time 009:03

Steam Game Time: 2.2 hours (session game time) / 10.3 hours (total game time)

+ Artwork
+ Solid story

~ Normal mode builds up to quite a challenge. Though as a more puzzle action game, it's hard to tackle the levels as what I would consider a pure puzzler.

- Not a fan of the keyboard controls. Especially when Vincent ends up on the back. Seems inconsistent.

Catherine Classic* (PC) (2019)
*Catherine Classic (PS3/Xbox 360) (2011)

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