Strike Suit Zero (PC) (2013)

Overview: Strike Suit Zero is a space combat game where you pilot a spacecraft and are sent on various combat missions such as "destroy all enemy ships" or "defend ally spaceship until reinforcements arrive." At some point in the game, you can also convert between a regular spacecraft and a mecha ("Strike Mode").

I tried playing Strike Suit Zero today and the only thing I can really say is that this game is not for me. Similar to The Polynomial: Space of the music (PC) (2009), Strike Suit Zero is a flight combat game and I'm terrible at gunning down enemies. While at least this game had a storyline, it was initially too difficult to comprehend.

I would mention the closest game to Strike Suit Zero which I do enjoy playing is Star Fox 64, but the two are actually dissimilar. In Star Fox 64, enemies are easy to locate, the weapon system is simple, and the movement is fluid. While in Strike Suit Zero, enemies are positioned in three-dimensional space which makes tracking them difficult, the weapon system is convoluted, and the movement feels sluggish and boring.

Unfortunately, I didn't even like the graphics* or the story, and ultimately that means that the game had nothing going for me.

*See 20150131.

20150131 Comment:
I was looking at some of the screenshots today and they looked cool.

As far as I know, I'm not good at flight combat games which involve a vehicle (plane/spacecraft) flying in three-dimensional space. In such games, both you and the enemies are moving and gunning enemy ships in this setting is difficult for me.

With that being said, I'm capable of enjoying games which are difficult for me to play (e.g., most first-person shooters), but I didn't enjoy playing this game. In particular, I was hoping to acquire the "Strike Mode" (play as a mecha), but apparently that happens later in the game.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend the game to any of my friends, but if you're into space combat games, then you might enjoy Strike Suit Zero.

Personally, I am not into space combat games and I did not enjoy Strike Suit Zero. In fact, I wasn't even interested enough to play to the part where you can switch into "Strike Mode."

[20141221 Edit]

Strike Suit Zero (PC) (2013)

Relevant Links:
Strike Suit Zero Website
Strike Suit Zero (
Strike Suit Zero (Steam Store Page)
Strike Suit Zero (PC) (

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